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Program Level Philosophy

5th/6th Grade Level

The purpose of 5th/6th grade level sports is for students to develop an appreciation and enjoyment of the sport. Priorities at this level are to encourage participation and to build basic individual and team skills. Every athlete will be given the opportunity to play minutes that will impact the game. The goal is to get as many students involved as possible. Encouraging participation and building basic skills will strengthen the athletic program in the future.

7th/8th Grade Level

The purpose of junior high sports is for students to continue to develop enjoyment of the sport and improve basic individual and team skills. Every athlete should get the opportunity to play minutes that will impact the game. However, playing time is not guaranteed and may not be equal. Athletes should be introduced to the concept that each player has a specific role in the team. The emphasis at this level should shift toward developing the most competitive team possible.

High School Level

The purpose of high school sports is for students to enjoy the sport by playing at a competitive, high level. Athletes should be pushed to attain the highest level possible. Players are expected to have a solid grasp of the fundamentals, have excellent skills related to their sport, and be in good physical condition necessary to compete appropriately at the junior-varsity/varsity level. The concept of teamwork and playing a specific role in a team should be mastered at this level. Playing time decisions for each player are left totally to the coach’s discretion.  Playing time is not guaranteed, and each athlete should understand that God has gifted everyone in different ways. Their goal should be to become the best athlete they can be with those abilities that God has given them. 

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