Elementary Bible
Bible is taught as a core subject in elementary and beyond at Trinity Oaks Christian Academy. Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). We believe the way to life is contained in the Holy Scriptures and that God’s Word is Truth. The integration of Truth leads students into the Way and the Life (John 15:1-10, John 3:16-21).
We recognize the building blocks to spiritual formation and the foundation of a biblical worldview begin in the elementary years. As TOCA students progress from kindergarten to 5th grade, their faith takes root and deepens through memorization of scripture, studying the Bible, and navigating how to apply their Biblical knowledge. Devotions, prayer, and worship are an important part of each day.
In Teachers' Words:
Teaching in a Christian school allows me the privilege and responsibility to help children grow in their relationship with God and relate God’s truth to all subject areas.
Many people need to give up their careers to go into ministry. I am fortunate to be able to call my career my ministry.